Thursday 19 March 2020

Announcement: Students Gmail Accounts

The City School

Dear Parents,
We understand that these are difficult times for us all and considering the CORONA virus alert, we stand committed to facilitate your child’s and our students’ learning.  We are in contact with the regulatory authorities and will keep you posted regarding the revised academic schedules and examinations.
The City School has taken certain measures to create online platforms for students’ learning and academics.
Here is the online solution offered for your children:
You are requested to kindly create your child’s email (in case of more than one child, you are required to create separate accounts for each) account as follows:
  1. Create an email accounts of your children on www.gmail.com as per the following guideline and share them with your school at the earliest.
    1. Create Account:  TCS{Your Child Registration/ERP Number}@gmail.com       Example:  TCS86543@gmail.com where 86543  is the child’s registration number.
    2. User Name = First Name + Last Name  as it appears on your child’s “Fee Challan”
We extend our prayers and best wishes for the wellbeing of our students, parents and TCS community.
Looking forward to your usual cooperation.
The City School