Tuesday 19 November 2019

Red Ribbon Week

Description: NewLogoTransparentTDescription: NewLogoTransparenthe City SchoolDescription: NewLogoTransparentDescription: NewLogoTransparent
Darakhshan CampusDescription: NewLogoTransparentDescription: NewLogoTransparent
Prep Girls Section
AY 2019-20

The  purpose of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign is to promote the primary prevention of drug abuse, which means preventing drug abuse before it starts. Effective drug education is important because young people are faced with many influences to use both licit and illicit drugs. Education can play a counterbalancing role in shaping a normative culture of safety, moderation, and informed decision making.
Prep Girls Section involved the students to develop awareness of Drug Abuse and ran an internal anti-drug campaign where students tied a red ribbon on their arms. The internal event “Red Ribbon Week” was suggested by KKAWF ‘ Karim Khan Afridi Welfare Foundation’
The red ribbon is the universal symbol of awareness and support for people indulge in Drug Abuse.

To spread a positive message around, an Art Activity was organized and girls replicated the drug logos and images of other artists. Teachers also gave brief description on stay alert and away from any inappropriate use of unknown and harmful  drugs explaining about the negative effects it has on one’s life. Our prayers for all humans especially teens and adolescents for staying away from this negative influence and wish them a brighter and healthier future.